The Five SOF Truths have been a basic guide for Special Operations Forces (SOF) when conducting daily activities as well as long-range planning; they are, and can be extremely helpful to members of other organizations and agencies. In this session, learn how to apply these concepts to OSINT, capitalizing on its uniqueness as an intelligence collection and analysis discipline.

These truths have been refined on the battlefield for decades. Learn them and apply them to the challenges you face and the problems you are trying to solve.

Learning Objectives

  • Humans are more important than hardware
  • Quality is better than quantity
  • Most operations, analysis, and investigations require OSINT support


LTC (Ret.) Jeff Tiegs served more than twenty-five years as a counterterrorism and counterinsurgency expert in US Army Special Operations. From a young ranger private to a Delta Force lieutenant colonel, he has led—and commanded—combat operations around the globe, including in Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. As the creator and president of Skull Games, Jeff leads a team of dedicated professionals to shed light in the darkness, wherever it may try to hide. He is taking his hard earned skills and putting them to work in order to:

  • Identify, interrupt, and restore those affected by trauma.
  • Free the oppressed around the globe.
  • Build leaders that protect the vulnerable.

The Skull Games Task Force uses Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to identify victims of sexual exploitation, the predators abusing them, and other Persons of Interest by creating leads that enable law enforcement to interrupt the cycle of abuse and restore survivors of trauma to a life of hope, healing, and freedom.