Advisor | Arno Reuser

A R N O   R E U S E R

Owner, Reuser’s Information Services

Arno H.P. Reuser is an information professional, founder, manager (ret.) of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) branch of the Defense Intelligence and Security Service of The Netherlands, and founder and owner of Reuser’s Information Services (2008-present). From 1990 onwards, Arno from the ground up designed and managed the OSINT capability by designing and developing what came to be known as Arno’s OSINT Methodology of systematic, planned and structured research in open sources. It was one of the very first OSINT branches in Europe.

In 2008, Arno founded Reuser’s Information Services to meet the increasing demand for worldwide talks, presentations, consultancy, workshops and training programs on OSINT, cybersecurity, and SOCMINT. In 2013, Arno resigned from the service to devote his time to his company.

Today, Arno teaches OSINT to a wide variety of customers home and abroad, universities, EU/UN/NATO missions, law enforcement, private sector, (semi) government and academia. Arno speaks at conferences, lectures, writes articles, book chapters, participates in radio interviews, runs several websites, podcasts and conducts OSINT research. Arno was awarded a Golden Candle Award and a Lifetime Award for his work.