Open-source investigators know about common social media platforms used for OSINT such as Facebook and Instagram but what about those platforms that no one really talks about? This presentation will cover some lesser-known platforms that can be used from the OSINT perspective to further investigations.

Learning Objectives

  • How lesser known platforms can be a goldmine of information
  • What platforms have been trending the past couple of years
  • What is pivoting and why it’s important


Ritu Gill is an Intelligence Analyst with over 15 years of experience working with Canadian law enforcement, 12 of those years were with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). During her tenure with the RCMP, she specialized in open source intelligence, and worked on high profile investigations. As part of RCMP’s international capacity building program, Ritu trained law enforcement in Bangladesh and India in the use of the internet as an investigative tool. In 2016 Ritu set up a consulting business providing OSINT training and research to law enforcement and related entities across North America. Ritu holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and is actively involved in the OSINT community.